Visual identity for a New York corner store that became cheese monger to the nation.

From a logo redraw to the store and everything in it—a 6 month adventure with cheese. Murray’s Cheese is an icon among cheese mongers nation-wide (and a New York institution). When the owner, Rob Kaufelt decided to move the store to a bigger space it was a perfect opportunity to create a professional identity for the 70 years old Murray's.
We have created the complete Murray's experience—from stationery, wax paper, packaging, labels, apparel and uniforms, to design of the store interior, exterior and signage.
The existing, iconic wordmark was redrawn to give it more elegance and rhythm. Two quality seals were created to emphasize the tradition and support merchandising.
Playfully stacked all caps type visualizes complex cheese taste (and resembles markings found on wheels of cheese). The pattern on the stationery was created by silkscreening an actual cheese cloth. The pattern on the wax paper illustrates cheese-cutting patterns and tools—silkscreened through paper-cut template with wonderful, texture-creating inconsistencies.
Created for the original West Village location, the visual system successfully adapted to the national expansion creating a strong brand presence and bespoke, boutique store space within food supermarkets. Years later the identity lives on in New York stores, restaurant, through Murray’s books and Murray’s expansion as a specialty store within Kroger chain locations. Seems there is always appetite for more great cheese!
Logo, Identity System, Packaging, Environments, Signage, Promotion
designer: Agi Morawska
creative director: Woody Pirtle
agency: Pentagram